marți, 5 octombrie 2010

Afara ploua si e frig! Si ce daca?!

A venit si ziua pe care o asteptam, eu si Andrei, din martie!
Plecam la Madrid la workshop de modelaj in clay- Euroclay carnival!

Vor fi 3 zile superbe cu cele mai mari nume in domeniu- Donna Kato (de aproape un an de cand i-a citit cartile, viseaza Andrei sa ii spuna "Hi, Donna"), Christine Dumont, Judy Belcher, Leslie Blackford, Natalia Garcia de Leaniz, Eva Ehmeier.
Sa nu mai socotim toti participanii, fiecare cu experienta lui!
Va fi si o minunata actiune - schimbul de "inch" de la cina festiva, intre noi. Pe site ul evenimentului scrie atat de cordial: "On Monday the 11th a celebration dinner will take place, after which the attendants will be exchanging inchies. Inchies are square pieces of clay measuring 1 inch (2,5cm) per side. This exchange is a voluntary activity, but it is a fun tradition from all Clay Carnivals, and we keenly encourage you to take part of it! Each participant will be making 90 inchies to exchange with other participants. All can be the same, or different, that is your choice, and they can be decorated in any colour, motive or technique, as long as they remain the stipulated shape and size (one inch squares). Do not worry if you feel you might not have a big experience in working with polymer clay... just try your best and have fun making them! "

Mai jos "inchii" nostrii- primii doar ai lui Andrei, restul ai nostrii:-)
Nu le-am acordat prea mult timp, i-am lasat precum cursurile in studentie, pe ultima zi, dar au iesit!

Vor fi 7 workshopuri, 3 zile de lucru la superlativ.
Cel mai frumos si nebunesc cadou pe care mi l-am facut de multa vreme!
Afara ploua si e frig. Si ce daca?! Cui ii pasa?!

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